Study Center Ormylia Halkidiki - ACT AND LEARN - Education Center Ormylia Halkidiki - Daily Study Ormylia Halkidiki - Speech Therapy Ormylia Halkidiki - Psychotherapy Ormylia Halkidiki - Special Education Ormylia Halkidiki

10270 Visitors:
Address: Ormylia
Area: Chalkidiki
Telephone: 2371041553
Mobile: 6975567265
P.C.: 63071
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Welcome to the "ACT AND LEARN" Study Center in the beautiful area of Ormylia in Halkidiki! At ACT AND LEARN, we create a dynamic learning environment that inspires students to discover their potential, develop their skills and achieve their goals. With a comprehensive approach to education, we offer specialized programs that promote academic excellence, personal growth and success at every level. With a team of expert instructors and partners, we provide personalized education to...
10270 Visitors:

Ormylia, Chalkidiki

10270 Visitors:

Welcome to the "ACT AND LEARN" Study Center in the beautiful area of Ormylia in Halkidiki!

At ACT AND LEARN, we create a dynamic learning environment that inspires students to discover their potential, develop their skills and achieve their goals. With a comprehensive approach to education, we offer specialized programs that promote academic excellence, personal growth and success at every level.

With a team of expert instructors and partners, we provide personalized education to students of all ages and levels. Whether your aim is to prepare for university entrance exams, support with learning difficulties or strengthen key academic skills, you'll find the right program for you here.

At ACT AND LEARN, we believe in the power of education to create future leaders and innovative thinkers. With a commitment to quality and excellence, we seek to inspire and encourage each student to follow their own unique path to success.

Come meet us and discover how we can help you reach your goals. We are here for you every step of the way!


Study Center
Multipurpose Education Center
Daily Study
Speech therapy
Special Education
10270 Visitors:


Telephone: 2371041553
Mobile: 6975567265

Working Hours
